February 15 marked 98 years since the birth of Grigoriy SAMSONOV - one of the founders and the first head of the department of High-temperature materials and powder metallurgy,
Nike Hypervenom Phantom IIIworld-renowned scientist. Corresponding Member of National Academy of Science of Ukraine (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Research of the Institute of Materials Science problems of NASU.
His scientific and pedagogical heritage cannot be overestimated. During his relatively short life (he died in 1975 at the age of 57) he published himself and co-authored about 2000 scientific works including 50 monographs and textbooks. Great his contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel. Under the leadership of Grigoriy Samsonov more than 150 of his students defended their theses and received the Philosophy Doctor titles. About 30 of them were awarded the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences. At the same time, many of his students - foreign citizens. Among his students were almost all teachers work and worked previously at the Department of HTM and PM. Now Correspondent Member of National Academy of Sciences, prof.Volodymyr Bondarenko , prof. Anatoly Stepanchuk and assoc.prof Ihor Bilyk lecture at the Department.
It is difficult to overestimate the scientific development of Grigoriy Samsonov and his disciples. They have made a significant contribution to the development of science and technology in various sectors - mechanical engineering, materials science, nuclear and space technology, defense engineering, medicine and others. Grigoriy Samsonov and his scientific potential is widely known in the world. He is one of the most cited authors in the scientific works of scientists around the world.
In honor of the memory of Grigoriy Samsonov hosts international conferences both in Ukraine and in other countries. Since February 10 in India, Kanpur city held the annual readings on inorganic materials commemorating Grigoriy Samsonov. One of the organizers of the readings is the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Indian Institute of Technology ( Kanpur.), Led by Professor Gopal Shankar Upadhyaya - student of Grigoriy Samsonov.